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Job and Volunteering Resources

We can support young people aged 16-18 (post Year 11) who are not in education, employment or training and are looking for work.

You can contact our team of advisers on 0800 707 6384 or email

Our expert advisers can:

• Help you navigate job searching websites
• Match you to job vacancies and employers
• Provide vacancy updates
CV and letter writing advice
• Help completing application forms
• Job Search and advice about personal marketing techniques and how to access the hidden job market
• Advice around interview techniques

Essex Industry Growth Sectors

Industries with a growing number of employment opportunities:

  • Logistics
  • IT, digital and creative
  • Advanced engineering and manufacturing
  • Built environment
  • Health and care
  • Green sector
  • Sports and physical activity

Take a look at the Essex Opportunities website for further information about each sector, top advertised job roles. local learning opportunities and vacancies.

Find out who are some of the key employers in Essex.

Check out the Essex Careers Magazine - An all-age digital magazine to help you find a job, change roles or secure a new training opportunity in Essex. Issue 4 features:

  • • Sector spotlight on working in the digital sector.
    • Find out about local apprenticeships, work placements and provision.
    • Regional focus on North Essex.
    • Entry routes and pathways into policing.
    • Careers and in early years and childcare.


Local Job and Volunteering Resources:

Below is a list of useful websites ranging from careers advice, skills assessments and finding work.

Essex Opportunities
Virtual One Stop Shop providing young people and adults with information and advice on careers, skills, training, and employment opportunities.

The Essex Local Offer
Advice for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Do you have a young person who is looking for positive next steps in their life? The Essex Local Offer can help young people find the right type of training and work. The website includes information on supported internships, employment and accessible apprenticeships.

Greater Essex Your Futures
This platform was created to ensure young people educated in special schools or those that have an EHCP can access careers information relevant to their needs.

Inclusive Employment
For adults with learning disabilities and Autism with ambitions of gaining paid work, the Inclusive Employment programme will enhance the opportunities available to you; by identifying possible employers, developing CVs, arranging and mediating interviews, offering skills development, work experience and on-the-job coaching.

The Advice Store
Located in Basildon town centre The Advice Store is for those seeking work, looking for new skills or wanting to retrain in a new industry. 

Papworth Trust
Community Connections Essex offer one-to-one support opportunities to gain new skills through volunteering, work placements and job searching.

Develop Me Hub
Supports you in getting a job, changing career or further developing your skills and personal development (in Harlow, Epping & Uttlesford only).

Futures for You
Local 18+ National Careers Service Contract.

Working for Essex
Search and apply for jobs within Essex County Council.

Essex Youth Service
Can support you to get volunteering. You could join your local youth council, join the Young Essex Assembly or become a Young Commissioner.

Volunteer Essex
Find out about volunteering in Essex and find local opportunities.


National Job and Volunteering Resources:

National Careers Service
Find out what a job involves and if it's right for you.

National Careers Service- Skills Assessment
Find out about careers that might be right for you by taking one of our assessments.

Helps you explore careers and education pathways and apply for opportunities. You can even build your own StartProfile.

Career ideas and information for your future. Explore real-life careers videos by job type or subject.

My World of Work
Their Animal Me Quiz helps you discover what makes you tick and what you're good at. You'll learn about your personality. Plus - just for fun - you'll find out which animal is most like you.

Career Pilot
Information and tools you need to explore your future career. Includes: quizzes to help you find out what suits you, information to explore courses, apprenticeships, jobs and careers, plus resources to help you plan your next steps.

BBC Bitesize Careers
Whether you’re deciding what to study, taking your exams, planning a career, or just curious, we’re here to explain the world of work, with advice from people who've found the right path for them.

Youth Employment
Find local jobs, courses, placements, events and training for young people.

Get My First Job
Help, support and opportunities for young people finding their first job.

Find a Job
Job search website for the Job Centre Plus.

Job searching engine.

Not Going to Uni
Jobs, training and college options for those that may not go to university.

Higher education courses. Find your ideal career quiz.

Home Office
Find your future in security.

Virtual work experience programmes.

Find out how volunteering can make a difference. Find volunteer roles.

Find your next volunteering role. Join a volunteer community.

NHS Volunteering
Volunteering with the NHS is an excellent opportunity to help your own community. It is a rewarding way to dedicate your time to a cause you care about.

Able Futures
Support for mental health at work - for employees and apprentices.