Young people
Find A Youth Group
Join a local youth group to meet new people, get support, and try something new!
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Join the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award!
Young Carers
Are you under 18 and care for a family member? We’re here to support you.
Education, Employment and Training Support
Are you 16-18 and not in education, employment, or training? Get in touch for support and local opportunities!
Young Essex Assembly
Join the Young Essex Assembly to represent young people’s voices in your area!
Work experience
Get a work experience placement to kickstart your journey towards a great job!
Healthy Relationships
We all have relationships with friends, family, and partners. A healthy relationship should make everyone feel happy, respected, and valued.
Find a fun volunteering opportunity to build skills, boost your CV, and meet new people!
Get On Track
A flexible 2-day-a-week programme helping 16–18 year olds move into education, employment, or training. Gain qualifications, improve employability skills, and get expert careers advice.